

Multiple Modalities for Enhanced Results

Synergistic treatments from two wavelengths working together
Have you been searching for better, safer options to restore a more youthful, natural-looking appearance? Are you a practitioner looking to expand your practice to offer minimally invasive laser treatment solutions, with no downtime?

Enabled by the expanded capabilities of the Nd:YAG and Er:YAG wavelengths, the Dynamis Pro provides up to four dimensions of treatment. Fotona’s complementary Er:YAG and Nd:YAG wavelengths are synergistically applied in 4 different modes: SMOOTH®, FRAC3®, PIANO® and SupErficial™ to work on deeper, medial and superficial connective structures of the skin, while simutaneously targeting different skin imperfections. Multiple treatment modalities range from the 2-dimensional TwinLight® procedure to the 4-dimensional Fotona4D® procedure. Fotona’s 4D laser treatment enables full-thickness contraction of collagen for persistent, low-downtime tightening and volumization (wrinkle reduction) without injectables. Combining these 4 unique modes and two complementary wavelengths results in a respectable “SmoothLiftin” treatment.

The following dual-wavelength laser systems from Fotona are ideal for Fotona4D plus a wide range of other skin resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments:

The Dynamis Pro, multi-application laser systems from Fotona provide a single, uniquely capable and full-featured solution offering the power of ultra-high performance Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers, ideal for a wide range of applications in aesthetics and dermatology. The SP Dynamis also includes an additional surgical QCW Nd:YAG laser for lipolysis and many other surgical procedures.

Superior Performance

Both the SP Dynamis and the SP Spectro are equipped with a high performance Er:YAG laser that ablates skin more efficiently due to proprietary VSP (Variable Square Pulse) technology, which can be accurately tuned to varying “cold” ablation and non-ablative thermal ratios. Full customizability allows you to precisely attain the clinical outcomes your patients desire.

The Nd:YAG laser on the SP Dynamis & SP Spectro perfectly complements the Er:YAG laser’s ablative action with the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin to create thermal effects without damaging the skin surface. Compared to conventional Nd:YAG technologies, Fotona’s proprietary VSP pulses create virtually instantaneous temperature increases that are limited to the targeted structures only. No unnecessary energy is deposited into the skin.

Handpieces & Accessories

Fotona’s specially designed, innovative handpiece technology allows safe, precisely controlled and optimal delivery of laser pulses to the treatment area. More information about handpieces and other accessories is available on the Dynamis Pro product page.